Preparing for departure from National Defense University in Phnom Penh. In the left of the picture is my boss, MG Dok
Sopha. Bethe is on the right.
60 students, staff and faculty, including MG Dok Sopha, Bethe, Sue, and I. We all boarded a very nice bus and spent 4
days exploring Ratanakiri, Stung Treng, and Kratie Provinces. IT WAS INCREDIBLE!
One of the great things about going overseas is meeting interesting people and making new friends. Sue is from Manchester
and is one of the funniest people I know.
Here I am ordering lunch at a very nice restaurant at the Angkor Wat temple complex. This lovely young lady was very
patient with two picky American tourists.
Here's our tuk tuk and driver, Kangaroo. Aussies seem to love this place, so a lot of drivers adopt Australia-related
nicknames. Kangaroo was really nice and took us to some great places.
I'm smiling here because I'm riding an elephant! He's taking us up a hill so we can go to the top of another temple to
watch the sunset over Angkor Wat.
Almost there!
Family portrait, right? Actually, we made a nice friend at the Lake Side Hotel in Ban Lung. The boy's name is Mean (pronounced
"may-uhn"). He liked us and our cameras - he used mine to take a picture of my bathroom and a guy on TV. If we came out of
our rooms, he seemed to be waiting to join us. Sue speaks Khmer like a native, but if she wasn't there, he would still just
talk nonstop. I would nod and say, "Uh huh." He's a pretty cool little kid, though.
We have some very kind female students. They took care of us at most of the evening meals, sometimes serving us or making
sure waiters brought us what we needed. They are such sweeties!
Sue was just plain old happy for the whole trip. That's cool, because she, Bethe, and I are going on another road trip
on the 18th to Kirirom National Park.
You'd think he could have at least met me half way like the other monkey did.
This was a nice little resident on one of the boats at the floating village on Tonle Sap.